ACI FMA New Education Videos – Statements

Kim Winding Larson

Kim Winding Larsen, President

Since ACI FMA's establishment in 1955, it has been ourcommitment to work responsibly to benefit our memberswhile implementing, protecting, anddeveloping ourthree core values: Membership, Education, and Ethical Conduct.

With these purposes in mind, it is with great satisfactionthat ACI FMA is presenting the new Education videos thatwill reinforce the detailed work that has been developedin this particular area and that ACI FMA is very proud of.For almost 7 decades, ACI FMA has been representativeof a challenging industry and, step-by-step has built astrong global Association and is fulfilling its mission.

Rui Correia, Chair of Board of Education

The mission of our Board of Education is to design, deliver andsupport an Education program for financial markets that is astandard of competence in the industry.

Our Education program hasbeen substantially developed in the last couple of years and we firmlybelieve that ACI FMA is the right entity to assist market participants allover the world to enhance their knowledge and competence levels.

Rui Correia